4 Ways to Boost Your Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) isn’t just a term used by large corporations to enhance their reputation. It’s a principle adopted by small and medium-sized business owners across Australia, who believe we need to give back to the communities where we live and work, to address the challenges facing our world today. CSR can include a range of activities, from donating money to not-for-profit organisations, to creating an environmentally friendly workplace.

According to the longest running study on CSR in Australia, there is a greater awareness of CSR now than there was ten years ago, despite progress in this area remaining slow and insufficient. It seems that while many businesses are aware of CSR, they’re not incorporating it into practice. When we established Linéaire Projects two years ago, one of our key goals for the business was to incorporate our values into everything we do, including giving back to the community.

We know that many businesses aren’t in a position to write large checks or offer pro bono services on a regular basis. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make a difference. And with 99% of all companies in Australia having less than 200 employees, those small contributions can certainly add up. No matter how small or large your business may be, there are plenty of ways to give back. To help you get started, here are four ways you can boost your CSR.


Lend your skills to the community

Not-for-profit organisations often need skills just as much as they need funding. Whether it’s professional advice or physical labour, pro bono work can be incredibly rewarding for your team and your business. At Linéaire Projects, we do pro bono work for Sydney Dogs and Cats Home and organise local fundraising events for MS Australia. By donating our time and expertise to support these charities, we’ve expanded our networks and developed professional relationships with like-minded people who share our values.


Help staff follow their passion

Our experience working in large organisations has made us appreciate the value of an employer who understands that a job is more than the work you do. Giving our team an opportunity to support a cause they’re passionate about is really important to us. It also helps us foster a positive workplace culture and attract staff that are passionate about giving back. Whether it’s supporting their fundraising initiative or giving them time off to volunteer, helping staff follow their passion will make them feel like a valued member of your business.


Support charities you believe in

Financial donations and sponsorships are a popular way to support not-for-profit organisations, and with good reason. They often take minimal effort but can make a world of difference to the charity. At Linéaire Projects, we carefully select the organisations that we support each year, based on how important they are to our staff, clients and community. For example, we’ve sponsored clients and associates of staff who have participated in the CEO Sleepout and taken challenging hikes to raise money for a good cause. We also pitch in with a donation to Red Kite each month. By supporting people we know and care about, our dollar goes further.


Mentor the next generation

Giving back can also be about supporting the future leaders in our industry. We’re currently looking at opportunities to mentor students who are studying project management at university, inviting them to gain real-life experience at Linéaire Projects as part of their degree. We also share our experience at career days, and volunteer as mentors in university innovation and entrepreneur programs. Not only is it a great way to discover talent, but it also allows us to give back to the industry we’re so passionate about.


For us, CSR isn’t a business strategy, it’s a way of bringing our values to life. If you’re interested in finding out more, contact the team at Linéaire Projects today.